I designed this website with only plain HTML
using as little corporate programs as possible.
I enter all the HTML code by hand.
I also write my own programs to generate the HTML code for me.
I believe that anyone, anywhere in the world
that can get on the internet should be able to
see this website just like everyone else:
NO special computer
NO certain speed necessary
NO special browser required
NO special software
NO plug ins necessary
NO pop up windows
NO cookies used by this website
I feel it is a form of elitism to
force someone to have the latest hardware,
software or plug ins just to view a website.
I Fight for Justice for the People!
Website Navigation:
At the bottom of each main webpage
you may select the webpage to open
in a new window.
At the top of each main webpage you
may select the webpage to the left
of the small arrow box then "click"
on the "Go to selected webpage"
button to the right.
Using the URL without a webpage name
or with an incorrect webpage name will automatically
go to the "index.htm" webpage.
The "index.htm" webpage automatically redirects
to the latest article.
1. To change the size of the text in Internet Explorer (I.E.)
From the TOOLBAR select VIEW select TEXT SIZE
(If the TOOLBAR does not appear:)
(click RESTORE button in top right corner)
2. To change the width of the text column
use your cursor on the left or right edge of the window
(If the edges of the window do not appear:)
(click RESTORE button in top right corner)
3. To make your homepage
click on the New Trend logo at the top of the "home.htm" webpage.
4. Also see the HELP button on the TOOLBAR
5. Direct Links for the Home webpage in other languages: Arabic Chinese German Spanish French Italian Korean
The Old Website started 2000-02-27 Sun 20:25ct
The New Website started 2005-12-28 Wed 06:00ct
NTM Blog : Member since August 2005 Total Page Views 54,866 7-12-Sun 19:04ct closed 2009-07-13 Mon