News  #  2069
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Shaban 4 1446 AH - February 2 2025 Issue # 5, Newsletter #2069

Scroll down for report on "The Real Law & Order: NYPD's Special Victims Unit" by Sr. Aisha ; 'There is Not a Person but He Has Four Eyes" by Sr. Yasmin and an Important Update on Imam Jamil by El-Hajj Mauri Saalakhan

Killing the Defenseless
By Dr. Kaukab Siddique

Israel has been bombing Palestine for 15 months. Nearly 50,000 people have been killed. The question arises: Why is it habitual for the Israelis to kill unarmed people, including women and children en masse, and think nothing of it? The random killing and letting people die of starvation are against the rules of war. No country which has control over its military, and wishes to win the hearts of the people they are conquering would allow this. When an occupation army persists in killing unarmed people, it only creates hatred and the desire for retaliation.

Americans are ostensibly a highly civilized people, and all about "law and order." If even one American is killed or injured somewhere, the US government and media make a big stink about it, and it is taken as a potential declaration of war.

The question arises: From where did Americans learn to kill unarmed people without qualm?

The learning process for this inhumane behavior could be traced back to Allied treatment of German soldiers who had surrendered during World War II. The number of Germans who had surrendered was very large. Since they had surrendered, they had no weapons and were harming no one. Yet, they were allowed to die on a large scale, denied food and water. Surrounded by barbed wire, they were like flies, left there by the Allies to die.

To find out more about the killings of unarmed prisoners who have no desire or ability to fight back, please read Dissecting the Holocaust by Germar Rudolph.

Egypt: Munafiqat Reaches New Heights
By Dr. Kaukab Siddique

Years ago, during the reign of Hosni Mubarak, Jamaat al-Muslimeen used to demonstrate outside the Egyptian Embassy. We would carry signs saying things like "Hosni Mubarak: Tyrant, Traitor, Terrorist," and "Mubarak's Regime is Police Terror." All of that was a reference to Mubarak's oppression of Egyptian Muslims, whom he locked up en masse and at the drop of a hat. Anyone who dared speak out, from Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman (the Blind Sheikh) to secular novelist Nawal Al-Sadawi, were locked up at one time or another. Locking up and torturing political opponents thus, Mubarak remained in power for 29 years. Human Rights Watch and other human rights groups decried his atrocious human rights record.

Then the Arab Spring came. Mubarak was removed from power, and later placed on trial for the killing of protesters and for corruption. A president who represented Muslim interests, Mohamed Morsi, assumed the office of the presidency. But, he was in power for only one year before he was ousted in a military coup, brought to trial on trumped up charges, and given the death penalty. The death penalty was overturned, but he was to be retried, and remained in prison. During that period, he died as a result of denial of medical attention.

Popular sentiment in Egypt has long been against relations with Israel, and, at least through the reign of Morsi, most Egyptian heads of state dared not openly support Israel. They saw what had happened to Sadat, who was assassinated for his role in the Camp David Accords, recognizing the Zionist entity.

Morsi's successor was Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Sisi has been in power for over ten years. He won by a landslide in three elections, each time intimidating or jailing his political opponents. Under his reign, relations are better with Israel are better than they have ever been.

For example, in 2018, Israel carried out coordinated airstrikes against jihadists in the Sinai in cooperation with Egypt, using unmarked aircraft to avoid a backlash (New York Times, February 3, 2018). In 2015, Egypt voted in favor of Israel joining UNOOSA, the first time it has supported Israel in the United Nations (Israel National News, June 2, 2015). And Sameh Shoukry, Egyptian Foreign Minister under Sisi, visited Israel. (Sisi himself did not, claiming that he will visit Israel only if the Zionist Entity "recognizes Palestinian statehood.) And famously, Sisi willfully kept the Rafah Crossing—the only entry way from Israel into Egypt—closed for the entirety of the Genocide, as the Israeli military trapped and then assaulted terrified Palestinian civilians who had come to Rafah after being told it was a "safe zone." It has only just reopened, and that, too, for very limited traffic.

Egypt has become the land of the hard core munafiqeen. I have known wonderful Muslims from that land, and wonder if the son of Iblis, Sisi. terrorized the people of Egypt into becoming more Zionist than the "Israelis" themselves. Today when I see the Israelis slaughtering defenseless civilians in plain view of the heavily-armed Egyptian army, and that army doing nothing, I am sickened to my stomach.

World News


Among unarmed Palestinians killed by Israel is a five-year old child, Al-Jazeera reports. Three people were wounded by Israel, despite the ceasefire. On top of that, an Israeli drone wounded another civilian. Thousands of homeless Palestinians are returning home with the ceasefire in place. Meanwhile, Israel is making people homeless in the West Bank.

Israeli army remains on the border and has killed 83 Lebanese and wounded 228.

Al-Sharaa was chosen president of the new Syria.

United States
Is There a Message in the Collision of US Military Helicopter Collides with Commercial Airliner?

"Every soul will taste death, then to Us you will all be returned."

--Qur'an 29:57

All sixty-seven passengers aboard an American Airlines plane were killed when it crashed into a military helicopter over the Potomac River. The next day another American plane crashed, leading to the deaths of six people.

One wonders if these two airline disasters are a warning that people can die regardless of the perceived protection of military and class status.

On another front, the US is deploying 2,000 troops to fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) on the border of Iraq. Is that a wise thing to do if the US wants peace in the Middle East?

Historically Black College Losing Black Male Enrollment

Morgan State University, Maryland's premier Historically Black College, reports a declining number of Black men enrolling as students there. The same trend exists at other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Specifically, there is a 25% drop in Black male enrollment at HBCUs since 2010, according to the American Institute for Boys and Men (Morgan State University website, postdated January 31, 2025).

The declining Black male population perturbed Morgan's President David K. Wilson enough that he formed a task force, known as the "State of Black Male Enrollment Initiative." The task force will investigate the reasons behind the decline, and what could be done to counter it.

Editor's note: I taught at Morgan for a few years, and enjoyed my time there. Jamaat Al-Muslimeen also held many conferences there, and found the climate there to be very Muslim-friendly. So, it saddens me that a primary population which should be present at an HBCU—is not. In the meantime, I see many top notch Black male professors being demoted. And heads of departments are often not Black. And I wonder if there is a connection between these phenomena and the decline in Black male student enrollment.

Political Prisoners

Important Update on Imam Jamil

I received the following message from the son of Imam Jamil (Kairi Al-Amin, Esq). Of special note is the fact that he has been moved from the Arizona prison, but apparently no one but the prison authorities knows exactly where he is.

Please listen to Kairi's message, and spread it far and wide. The struggle MUST continue!

-El Hajj Mauri Saalakhan

Kairi Al-Amin's (Imam Jamil's son) message is here:>

The Real Law & Order: NYPD's Special Victims Unit

By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

A special NY1 news report has revealed that a U.S. Department of Justices (DOJ) investigation of the NYPD in 2022 may not be made public thanks to the Trump Administration.

This special investigation into the NYPD by the DOJ was requested by 19 rape victims after horrible experiences with the NYPD's Special Victims Unit (SVU). Readers may be familiar with the show Law & Order: SVU but according to reports, the real SVU is nothing compared to the one on television.

According to victims' accounts, NYPD SVU detectives lack empathy, compassion, and the gung-ho eagerness to want to catch rapists that the actors display on the show.

Two brave victims, Leslie McFadden and one whose name was withheld, were interviewed for the NY1 news report and in one account stated that detectives rolled their eyes while "listening" to the her describe her attack! Both victims also stated that detectives wanted them to call the assailant while they listened in on the call. This is a control call. The unnamed victim, who had been drugged and raped, refused to make the control call. Detectives told her that they could not help her unless she did.

The reason she refused to participate in a control call was because police already had enough evidence from her rape kit plus, drug tests revealed codeine was found in her system. She also stated that police never followed up on any leads in her case nor did they search the hotel room where the attack occurred. Her case is still ongoing.

McFadden did participate in a control call to get her assailant to admit to drugging and raping her. While completely rattled from this call, without any investigation, a detective handed her a form to complete which, unbeknownst to her, was an agreement to close her case. She has since moved to California to start a new life.

According to these two women, the NYPD SVU sent a very dangerous message, which was that if there was no way for them to obtain any hard evidence without a need to investigate then they didn't want to be bothered! However, the success in closing cases may have to do with effort more than anything else because only 45% of rape cases are solved while murder cases have a much higher close rate.

As per NYPD Chief Deputy Carlos Ortiz, he was not waiting for any DOJ report to come out before deciding to make improvements he believed need to be made. Kathleen Baer, a former prosecutor, was hired as the SVU Director. They have implemented more training (only 6 days) for detectives and they maintain contact with victims to keep them abreast of their cases and let victims feel heard. The case load per officer, which was a whopping 93 cases annually, has decreased significantly.

Leslie McFadden is hopeful that the NYPD will implement new progressive measures and stick by them.

As for the DOJ investigative report, many people have less hope that it will ever be released if it shines an unfavorable light on law enforcement. Trump's unapologetic bias toward law enforcement may derail any efforts to release the DOJ report on the NYPD's SVU. The DOJ did not make any comments on this NY1 investigative report.

It has been nearly three years and the DOJ still has not released its findings. Why wasn't the report released earlier under the Biden Administration? If a sitting president has that much influence over the Department of Justice, then former President Obama's inaction is another example of his weak leadership.


Guidance from Sis. Yasmin
"There is Not a Person But He Has Four Eyes" (Qur'an)

"For indeed, it is not Eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the Hearts which are within the Breasts".
{Source: Quran ~ Sûrah al-Hajj: 22: A #46}
It is reported that Khâlid b. Ma'dân ~ [ Allâh have mercy on him ]- said...

There is not a person except he has
Four [4] Eyes...!
Two in his Head with which he sees the
matters of this worldly life,
Two in his Heart with which he looks to
the matters of the Hereafter... !

So if Allâh wants good for his servant,

He opens his Heart's Eyes... !

and so he perceives what he has been promised
in the unseen world.
Thus he is saved from the unseen punishment
through the unseen reward for the obedient.

2025-02-02 Sun 12:39:23 GMT/UTC/Zulu