23 Safar 1439 A.H.- November 12, 2017 Issue # 46, Newsletter # 1732
Hadith of the Week
The Unique Honor of Usman, r.a., from the Prophet, pbuh,
which no other sahabi had.
From 'Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Usman, r.a.,:"Since Allah
created Adam, no one has married two daughters of a prophet
except Usman, r.a.,, and it will be so until the Final Hour.
Thus he was called the Possessor of Two Lights."
[al-Baihaqi, Sunan al-Kubra, 7:73]
Comment by Kaukab Siddique: Muslims shoulld know more about
Usman, r.a., because Shias and Agha Khanis have been
slandering him. By attacking him, they are trying to malign
the authenticity of the Qur'an. Remember that Usman, r.a.,
compiled the Qur'an which we all read nowadays.
Yazidi Story was a fake.
November 9. Iraqi News: Khairi Bozen, the official in charge
of Yazidi affairs in Iraq said that "90,000 Yazidis
immigrated" to Europe in July.
Another 3181 Yazidis are in the hands of the Iraqi regime
now according to Bozen.
{New Trend readers might remember the worldwide Zionist
propaganda claiming that ISIS had wiped out the Yazidis,
men, women and children]
Jamaat al-Muslimeen
On facebook Jamaat reached
4714 people and got
on November 5-6
on the critique of ISNA-ICNA leader Siraj Wahhaj
and the report on Russia's destruction of ISIS defenses.
Shaykh Faisal
a distinguished Islamic scholar of West Indian origin has
been arrested in Kingston, Jamaica, and the US is demanding
his extradition.
JAMAICA: El-Faisal bail application expected today
National Shoora of Jamaat al-Muslimeen
December 2.
Sis. Ashira has returned from an extensive visit to Ethiopia
and will address the shoora. inshaAllah.
New Trend report on ONE year old Trump presidency. Main
The Black, the Poor, the Dissident Muslims
Remain Stacked in Prisons. Injustice is the Norm.
Both sides have been attacking each other through FOX vs CNN
-MSNBC. Most of what they say is propaganda.
Assumptions about sides are often false. Let us look at some
of them.
Trump is anti-Muslim. Not true. Muslims of Saudi Arabia,
UAE, Kuwait and Qatar are his friends at the leadership
level. The propaganda was started by the Khan family whose
son was killed in battle with the Taliban. Immigration from
6 Muslim countries stopped by Trump didn't work owing to US
law courts.
Pro-Clinton people who claim to be pro Muslim DO NOT
condemn the bombing and droning of Muslim countries. Even
the US air force's bombing of women and children of ISIS
families has elicited no protest from the liberal left
including Blacks. America has reduced entire Muslim cities
to rubble. Thousands of civilians have been killed in Mosul
and Raqqa by the US air force. Complete silence by both
Trump and anti-trump groups, including Blacks.
Trump is against Black people more than Obama was. Again,
not true. police killed Black, unarmed, young men during the
Obama regime on a scale unequalled by Trump.
Instead we see something quite different: A Black police
officer [female] saved a whole group of Republican lawmakers
when a White Democrat shot one of them and wanted to kill
all of them.
Like the Muslim soldier killed by the Taliban, a Black
soldier, elite green beret, has been killed in Niger by
al-Qaida very recently.
Extreme right wingers marched in Charlottesville,
Virginia and Trump hesitated to condemn them. In the Obama
administration, Zionist Jews rallied in support of Israel.
The media did not make a fuss about that. Obama rushed after
his election to go to Zionist AIPAC headquarters to thank
the Jews.
Trump supports Israel. Obama too supported Israel.
However, Obama has the distinction of gifting the biggest
package of military aid to Israel in the history of America.
[$38 billion]. Obama was silent during three invasions of
Trump insults women. This claim is based on ONE statement
by Trump from decades in the past. By contrast Clinton had
sex with a Jewish girl in the Oval office
Trump is trying to move against homos and transgender
[lgbtq]. This is true. What happens in the private lives of
sexual deviants is not our business.
However Muslims should beware of supporting LGBTQ. Islam
abhors such activity. Muslims do not teach violence, abuse
or violation of the basic human rights of deviant groups.
However in America, this deviance has become a national
movement openly opposing Islam and Christianity.
Conclusion: The Clinton campaign [the biggest lineup of
Zionist Jews in America] did not expect Trump to win. His
victory came as a huge shock and since day 1, the Zionists
have been trying to demolish Trump's presidency. There is a
countrywide movement against Trump in which the Zionists are
cynically using Black people and Muslims.
Islam does not allow us to support either Trump or
anti-Trump. Focus on Qur'an and Sunnah. We are answerable to
Khadim Hussain, New Islamic Movement leader, calls on
Muslims to liberate Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
[This video is in Urdu and Punjabi languages. It's a
powerful khutba by Khadim Hussain Rizvi calling on Muslims
to rise up and liberate Aafia Siddiqui who is in a US
prison, sentenced to 86 years on highly suspect
Khadim Hussain leads a new movement called Labaik ya Rasool
Allah ["Here we are o Messenger of Allah"]. He invokes the
legendary Islamic heroes like Khalid ibn al-Waleed, r.a.,
and Muhammad ibn Qasim to urge Muslims to liberate
He knows the revolutionary poetry of Allama Iqbal and uses
its tremendous impact to awaken the Muslim conscience.
[In the recent elections in Lahore, his party, Labaik ya
Rasool Allah surprised everyone by winning a very
considerable number of votes.]
Please put the link in your browser.
Demonstrators Enter Islamabad: New Movement [Labaika ya
Rasool Allah] Supporting Finality of Prophethood.
November 10: Several thousand protestors who had been
gathering on the outskirts of the capital of Pakistan for
several days entered the city in opposition to police
efforts to stop them. Several people were injured in the
The demonstrators suspect that the government contains
elements who are trying to undermine the Islamic basis of
Pakistan by creating vagueness about the law on Finality of
Muhammad, pbuh, as the last of the prophets and
Government Hiding Inquiry on Attempt to Legitimize Qadyani
{"ahmeddi"] Religion
LAHORE, Nov. 10; Deputy chief of the Jamaat e Islami, Hafiz
Muhammad Idrees, has said that the government had so far not
take any action against Law Minister Zahid Hamid who had
been advocating the unholy cause of the Qadyanis nor had
thrown him out of the cabinet.
Addressing a big Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, he
however said that the nation would never forgive the people
who had been disloyal to the concept of the finality of the
Holy Prophet.
Hafiz Muhammad Idrees said that ousted Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif was in the grip of Allah Almighty yet he was not
ready to seek forgiveness. Had Nawaz Sharif any fear of
Allah and any love for the Holy Prophet, he would have by
now dissociated himself from the rebels of the faith in
Khatm e Nubuwwat.
He further said the nation was still awaiting the report of
the Raja Zafarul Haq committee which was not out despite the
passage of a period of one and a half months.
War News
Major Defeat for Iran-Iraq-Shias at Bokamal.
Baghdadi leading Resistance.
Also news of Damascus & Idlib
November 9-12
It appears from wire services that the Islamic State trapped
Shia forces in Bokamal and then slaughtered them. Shia
forces from Iraq known as Hashed al-Shabi had entered Syria
from Iraq and captured Bokamal linking up with Iranian and
Hizbulllah forces coming from the west under Russian air
Islamic State fighters withdrew from Bokamal and created
the impression that ISIS was collapsing.
The IS forces in big numbers then ambushed the Shias in
Bokamal and slaughtered them in the middle of the city. The
Syrian Observatory says it was a "great defeat" for the
Iran-Iraq-Hizb forces.
Hizbullah fought back hard and ISIS casualties are rising
After the Shia defeat, the Russian air force went wild and
bombed the entire area at random, including a displaced
persons camp, killing 26 civilians.
Assad is sending in more forces to counterattack ISIS.
It appears that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi himself was commanding
the victorious IS force. Iran says he was sighted. There is
a $25 million bounty on his head.
[Bokamal is on the Syria-Iraq border.]
Meanwhile Kurdish Communists under cover of US air force are
moving down south along the Euphrates river, forcing IS to
Around Damascus, in the Jobar area, Assad's forces attacked
again but were pushed back by al-Rahman Corp near Ein
In Idlib province, Islamic forces are being protected by
Muslims from China's Sinkiang province known as Uighers.
There is a large Islamic Chinese [Uigher] presence in Idlib
under the banner of Turkistan Islamic Army [not related to
the country known as Turkey.]
China has announced its support for the Assad regime.
Support is also coming for Assad from General Haftar,
America's main support in Libya.
West of Aleppo, Al-Qaida affiliates and other Muslim groups
are fighting each other, much to the delight of Assad.
News Within the U.S. & Canada
A Christian Leader, Senate Candidate, Roy Moore, is being
targeted big time by Zionist and pro-Homo groups. Here is
his response: [November 8]
"I've been mischaracterized in the press saying that I hate
people because of their beliefs. I don't hate anybody. I'm a
Christian," he told reporters after speaking at a K-12
Tuscaloosa Christian school. "That's why I'm speaking at the
American Christian Academy here. Christians don't hate
people. We don't hate gays, we don't hate people -- we hate
sin. That's something biblical. I stand for principles ...
but I don't hate people, and I don't hate them because of
their religion or anything else. Freedom of conscience is
something that I spoke about today. ...The freedom of
conscience allows people in this country to worship as they
will, but that freedom comes from God."
Moore also said there's no need for him to debate his
Democratic opponent, Doug Jones, because their differences
are well documented. On Wednesday, Moore's camp declined an
invitation from AL.com in collaboration with WHNT to debate
with Jones in advance of the senate election. Jones was
willing to participate.
"There's a great disparity between the two parties'
positions - between the Democratic Party and the Republican
Party - not only on social issues, such as the
acknowledgement of God - need to have God back in our
platform - but also because there's a great disparity in
fiscal issues - Obamacare, for example. I'm for repealing
Obamacare, but also repealing the McCarran-Ferguson Act to
allow the free enterprise system to take the place of the
government-controlled health care system. My opponent is for
increase of Obamacare and increase of government control.
There's great disparity. These issues don't need to be
disputed in public, the public should see that, he said.
"Furthermore, we have a great disparity in rights. Right
now, my opponent favors transgender rights in the military,
transgender bathrooms under Title XI .... I oppose these
issues. I oppose them very strongly. I think transgenderism
has no place in the military, I've been in the military. My
opponent hasn't. So there's a great disparity; we don't need
to debate."
Overseas Kashmiris rally at site of Berlin Wall.
Peaceful Challenge to India's Occupation of Kashmir.
October 27, 1947: the day when Kashmir became occupied. Dr.
Berlin, Germany. November 3, 2017. "The All Parties Hurriyet
Conference summoned Kashmiris all over the world to
demonstrate on October 27, 2017 as a symbol of their unity
and will to resist India's ugly colonization. October 27,
1947 is forever scarred in the collective minds of the
Kashmiri people as the day they became occupied" said Dr.
Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness
Forum who was in Berlin to participate in the 'Million Man
March' announced by Barrister Sultan Mehmood Choudhary,
former Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir.
Speaking about the historical significance of the Berlin
Wall, Fai reminded of the Ceasefire Line which not only
divides the land but the families of Kashmiris as well. He
warned that there are some quarters who suggest to convert
the Ceasefire Line into an international border. That
proposal is not only a non-solution but also a fallacy
because it mocks the suffering, anguish and pain of the
people of Kashmir.
Fai asked that the people of Kashmir revolted against the
status quo and how can status quote becomes an answer? Also,
Kashmiris wish to emphasize that their land is not a real
estate which can be parceled out between two disputants.
They are not chattel that can be divided between two member
countries of the United Nations. Their land is the home of a
nation with a history far more compact and coherent than
that of India.
No settlement of Kashmir will hold unless it is based on the
principles of self-determination and no settlement will be
acceptable to the people unless India and Pakistan initiates
a tripartite negotiations -- Government of India, Government
of Pakistan along with the genuine leadership of the people
of Jammu & Kashmir.
Fai reiterated that India's attempt to legalize its
illegality rests on a bogus 'Instrument of Accession' by a
Maharaja, which the ruler had no authority to sign. Even
Alaister Lamb, a British scholar has convincingly
demonstrated that the Instrument was a bogus. An original
has never been found, and there is no plausible explanation
for a disappearance if an original had ever existed.
Fai, however, cautioned that at this moment in the historic
struggle of the self- determination, the people of Kashmir
with poise, confidence and unity are taking their
inalienable struggle in a new direction of non-violence and
peaceful agitation.
Dr. Fai can be reached at: 1-202-607-6435. Or
Self-Purification is the Key to Guidance
by Sis. Yasmn
It is reported in al-Musnad, on the authority of Anas, that
Prophet [ may Allah bless him and grant him peace ]
' The Faith of a servant is not put right until his
is put right, and his heart is not put right
until his Tongue is put right.'
This shows that the Prophet
[ may Allah bless him and grant him peace ]
has made the purification of Faith conditional on the
purification of the Heart, and the purification of the Heart
conditional on the purification of the Tongue...{!}
At-Tirmidhi relates in a Hadith on the authority of
Ibn 'Umar (R):
'Do not talk excessively without remembering Allah, because
such excessive talk without the mention of Allah causes the
heart to harden, and the person furthest from Allah is
a person with a hard heart.'
'Umar Ibn al- Khattab' ~
[ may Allah be pleased with him] said:
'A person who talks too much is a person who often
makes mistakes, and someone who often makes mistakes,
often has wrong actions.
The Fire has a priority over such a frequent sinner.'
In a Hadith related on the authority of Mu'adh (R)~
Prophet[ may Allah bless him and grant him peace ] said:
'Shall I not tell you how to control all that...?'
I said, ' Yes do, O Messenger of Allah.'
So he held his tongue between his fingers, and then he
'Restrain this.' {!}
I said, ''O Prophet of Allah, are we accountable for what we
say?'' he said, '' May your mother be bereft by your
is there anything more than the harvest of the tongues
that throws people on their faces
(or he said 'on their noses') into the Fire?''
A hadith related by Abu Huraira~ (RA) says:
''What mostly causes people to be sent to the Fire are
two {2} openings...the mouth and the private parts.''
Abu Huraira (RA) also related that the Messenger of Allah
[ may Allah bless him and grant him peace ] said :
'The servant speaks words, the consequences of which he does
not realize, and for which he is sent down into the depths
of the Fire further than the distance between the
east and the west.'
The same Hadith was transmitted by at-Tirmidhi with slight
'The servant says something that he thinks is harmless,
and for which he will be plunged into the depths of the
Fire as far as seventy autumns.'
Uqba ibn Amir (R) said:
''I said: ''O Messenger of Allah, what is our best way of
he [may Allah bless him and grant him peace] replied:
''Guard your tongue, make your house suffice for
sheltering your privacy, and weep for your
wrong actions.''
It has been related on the authority of Sahl ibn Sa'd(R)
that the Prophet
[ may Allah bless him and grant him peace ]said:
'Whoever can guarantee what is between his jaws and what is
between his legs, I guarantee him the Garden.'
It has also been related by Abu Huraira~
[may Allah be pleased with him]
that Prophet ~[ may Allah bless him and grant him peace
'Let whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day
either speak good or remain silent.'
The Prophet
[ may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:
'Everything that the children of Adam say goes against them,
except for their enjoining good and forbidding evil, and
remembering Allah, Glorious and Mighty is He.'
[ This was reported by at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah on the
authority of Umm Habiba,~
[may Allah be pleased with her].
Umar ibn al- Khattab visited Abu Bakr...
[may Allah be pleased with them both]
and found him pulling his tongue with his fingers... !
Umar [RA] said '' Stop! may Allah forgive you !''
Abu Bakr [ may Allah bless him ]replied:
'This Tongue has brought me to
dangerous places.'
Abdullah ibn Masud (R) said :
' By Allah, besides Whom no God exists, nothing deserves
a long prison sentence more than my tongue.
He also used to say
'O tongue, say good and you will profit;
desist from saying evil things and you will be safe;
otherwise you will find only regret.'
Abu Huraira (R) reported that Ibn al-Abbas(R) said:
'A person will not feel greater fury or anger for any part
of his body on the Day of Judgement more than what he will
feel for his Tongue...
unless he only used it for saying or enjoining good.'
Al-Hassan~[ may Allah bless him ] said:
'Whoever does not hold his tongue cannot understand
his deen.'
The least harmful of a tongue's faults is talking about
whatever does not concern it.
The following Hadith of the Prophet
[ may Allah bless him and grant him peace ]said:
is enough to indicate the harm of this fault:
''One of the merits of a person's Islam is his abandoning
what does not concern him.''`
Abu Ubaida related that al-Hassan (R) said:
''One of the signs of Allah's abandoning a servant is
His making him preoccupied with what does not
concern him.''
Sahl (ra) said:
'Whoever talks about what does not concern him
is deprived of truthfulness. '
This is the least harmful of the tongue's faults.
There are far worse things ...like
obscene and misleading talk,
two-faced and hypocritical talk,
showing off,
and falsehood;
and there are many more faults which can affect
a servant's tongue, ruining his heart and causing him to
lose both his
happiness and pleasure in this life, and his success
and profit in the next life.
ALLAH {Azza Wa Jall } is the One to whom we turn for
"All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide
the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and
{'Quran'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.26-27 }
The Distraction and Antics of President Donald "Humpty"
Dr. Wilmer J. Leon, III
{as our intellectual friend, the famous Dr. Leon, uncovers
Trump's extension of war all over Africa, we worry that we
might get a tweet from the White House.....Editor New
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great
fall; All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't
put Humpty together again." The Dorling Kindersley Book of
Nursery Rhymes (2000)
Some people dismiss children's stories and nursery rhymes as
just foolish tales or cleaver verse. Many of these tales are
also allegories - stories or poems with deeper moral or
political meaning. Baum's Wizard of Oz can be interpreted as
metaphor for the political, economic, and social events of
America in the 1890s or Orwell's Animal Farm as describing
the overthrow of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II and the
Communist Revolution of Russia before WW I.
So, it is with the children's poem Humpty Dumpty. The tale
of this human-like egg figure has been interpreted by some
as the story of King Charles I of England, Ireland and
Scotland. He reigned from 1625-1649. Charles I, believed as
King his power was absolute. He ignored the will of
Parliament and governed based upon his own conscience (or
lack thereof). A number of his subjects perceived him as a
bully and a tyrant. After a lengthy battle with English and
Scottish Parliaments over the idea of a constitutional
monarchy Charles I was captured (the great fall) and
imprisoned. His army (the King's horses and men) was unable
to return him to the throne.
As Americans are now subjected to the indictment of
President Trump's former campaign manager Paul J. Manafort
Jr. and Manafort's business partner Rick Gates, the guilty
plea of the former foreign policy adviser to the Trump
campaign George Papadopoulos and the possible perjury of
Attorney General Sessions; the similarities between
President Trump, the ignorant, narcissistic, misogynist
president and Humpty Dumpty (Charles I) are unavoidable. Are
the indictments brought by special counsel Robert S.
Mueller, III and those still pending, the beginning of
President Humpty's fall?
As important as the Mueller investigation is to the
protection of the American democratic process; Americans
cannot allow themselves to be distracted by Humpty Trump's
tweets, antics and mainstream medias singular focus on his
ignorance and foolishness. There are a number of important
issues that are being ignored or not being given the
in-depth coverage and analysis they deserve.
As Americans mourned the loss of Sgt. La David Johnson and
his comrades in Niger and fume over Trump's insulting Sgt.
Johnson's family, there has been very little discussion
about why American soldiers are in Niger. Reporting by Vijay
Prashad indicates that Tongo Tongo, the village near Niger's
border with Mali where the US soldiers were killed is in the
middle of an area that is ground zero for the illicit trade
that defines the Sahara, cocaine, guns and refugees. The
assassination of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya has created a
power vacuum in this region and previously closed routes for
illicit trading have reopened. It might have been
narco-terrorists not Boko Haram who killed the soldiers.
As the United States has claimed victory over ISIS in Raqqa
the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) recently launched airstrikes
against ISIS in northeastern Somalia. According to Al
Jazeera, "From the Horn of Africa in the east to the Sahel,
encompassing Central and West Africa, security forces backed
by Western troops have been stepping up efforts to counter
armed groups such as ISIL, Boko Haram, al-Shabab and
al-Qaeda." It's not that the US is winning; it's that the
war is morphing into a different landscape.
Another issue that has received very little coverage is the
request by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of
Defense James Mattis to continue the current war powers
authorization. According to NPR, the Trump administration is
pushing back against the growing call to examine the current
authorization to use force to combat ISIS and other
terrorist organizations. It is a growing concern in Congress
that the existing authorization, put in place in 2001 in
response to the September 11 terrorist attacks no longer
holds merit and should be re-examined. Virginia Congressman
Tim Kane asked, "If a new authorization isn't needed 17
years into a war, would it be required "in year 30? In year
40? In year 50?"
The United States is not winning anything with these ongoing
military exploits. It is the same game being shifted to
different battlefields for the same hegemonic, racist and
imperialistic motivations. A lot, if not most of the
resources that are needed to continually feed the insatiable
diet of European and Western powers lie beneath the soil of
countries inhabited by people of color.
These former imperial powers will expend any cost to extract
uranium from Niger, coltan for cell phones from Congo and
diamonds from South Africa. According to Global
Security.org, "Since World War II the United States has
become increasingly dependent on imported strategic
minerals... Of the 24 major nonfuel minerals consumed by
industrial nations, the United States is substantially
dependent on imports for 21 of them...A major source for
many of these minerals is Africa. This is a volatile region
in which there is a distinct possibility of major disruption
of U.S. supplies of strategic minerals." When you connect
the dots between the unquenchable thirst for natural
resources, AFRICOM and the Trump administration's request
for a virtually unlimited power to engage in war; we have
entered into a cycle of neo-colonialism and devastation
previously unknown in modern history. We are in for a
50-year war.
Mainstream American media continues to focus on the
incessant tweeting, lying and rants of a 71-year-old
petulant child while the continent of Africa is being
recolonized. The Trump administration is attempting to
deconstruct the American administrative state while the
police state is being ushered in. The right to vote is under
attack with gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics
becoming more prevalent and more difficult to challenge. As
Dr. Gerald Horn has stated, the American judiciary is being
cast in the likeness of the reactionary, anti-affirmative
action, anti-reproductive rights for women and anti-union
Justice Neil Gorsuch. Sixteen Trump nominees are being
considered for the federal bench. Are these nominees more or
less likely to support Trump's myopic, neo-liberal,
anti-civil liberty approach to the Constitution? It's
frightening that Trump and Senator McConnell are in lockstep
with this process.
These are just a few examples of how America is being
distracted. As Toto, Dorthey's dog in The Wizard of Oz
pulled back the curtain; Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Cowardly
Lion, and the Scarecrow were all told by "The Wizard" to,
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." Well, as
Trump tweets, tweets and labels the US justice system a
"laughing stock"; we need Toto today. Focus on the man
behind the curtain because Donald "Humpty" Trump is
teetering on the edge but be careful what you pray for. As
Jane Mayer writes in The New Yorker as Trump's critics yearn
for his exit, Pence, "the corporate right's inside man,
poses his own risks."
How do we know Allah Exists? Finality of Prophethood
Protects the Qur'an. Male-female Corruption in USA
On November 10 Br. Kaukab Siddique gave the Juma khutba at
Masjid Jamaat al-Muslimeen in Baltimore.
The masjid was crowded despite the sudden cold weather
which was sweeping in at 25 degrees.
Here is the outline of the khutba for distribution on
The Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, said: "The chain of messengers
and prophets has come to an end. There shall be no messenger
or prophet after me." [Sunan of Tirmidhi and Musnad of
Muslims sometimes forget that the Qur'an provides
guidance in all matters. We should not limit the guidance to
formal worship. We as Muslims must look in the Qur'an for
politics, economics, sociology, psychology, family life and
everything else.
If we do not understand a text in the Qur'an, go to
hadith. If you can't understand or find hadith, go to a
reliable and honest scholar.
There will not be any Qur'an after the Qur'an we have,
nor any Prophet or Messenger after Muhammad.
Attempts are made to change the meaning of the Qur'an by
sectarians. The Qur'an is protected by Allah, and the
Prophet, pbuh, ensured that attempts to change it are
preempted by the fact that there is no prophet or messenger
after Muhammad, pbuh.
Only if the Book were changed or incomplete would there
be a need for a new Prophet.
We live in a corrupt society. Both sides are corrupt.
Watch what they are saying about each other.
Many are even denying the existence of God. Allah teaches
us to learn the existence of the Creator through three
sources among others:
The heavens and the earth in their perfectly cohesive
processes. [Afaq]
The functioning of our bodies is a living miracle from
birth to death. [Unfus]
Prophets and messengers have been sent all the way from
Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to Jesus, to Muhammad, Allah
bless them all, teaching the Oneness and supremacy of Allah.
Women are the targets of men in power as well as men not
in power. Adultery, fornication and pornography, drinking
parties show how dominant men demean and devalue women.
In turn women are using sexuality to destroy men. Now a
Christian man is being accused by a woman whom he allegedly
touched 32 years back. The purpose is not to let an openly
anti-Lqbtq man get elected.
Many women are now also using the child support laws to
have sex, become pregnant and then be paid by the man for
years to come. So many men have been imprisoned through this
process because they are unemployed.
The Islamic community must become aware of these issues
to separate themselves from this social system and to help
those who are trying to get out of this swamp of
Du'a: O Allah help us to study the Qur'an and to emulate the
Sunnah. O Allah help us to unite the Muslims on the Qur'an
and the Sunnah.