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Dr Kaukab Siddique | Editor-in-Chief Zulq'idah 26, 1426/December 28, 2005 #95

Quotable Quote:
"Man's way leads to a hopeless end -- Allah's way leads to an endless hope." [Courtesy Tajdeed.]

Unusual book on Min. Farrakhan and the NOI published in December 2005. Scroll down to end for advertisement.

THINKING POINTS from our scrap book. [6 items]
SADLY, the war continues. On Christmas Day, the mujahideen blew up an Abrams tank in Baghdad, USA's biggest. [CNN report.] U.S. troops killed in action now number 2171, including 19 killed after the "elections." For the price Iraqis are paying, please scroll way down.

In AFGHANISTAN, December 24, a Taliban attack occurred in Baghlan province in the north. Six Dutch NATO troops were reported killed. Attacks in the north show the growing power of the Taliban. Afghan women are said to be helping the fighters in the jihad with transportation of weapons and food. Large segments of southern and eastern Afghanistan are reportedly under the Taliban's Islamic rule.

In PAKISTAN, the Taliban's takeover of segments of northern Waziristan and southern Waziristan has been confirmed by the Christian Science Monitor, following the breakdown of Musharraf regime's control in the area. Islamic Law is being implemented bringing justice and peace.

Spielberg and Israel: For the marketing of his film Munich, the Jewish film maker has hired an aide to Sharon. [Source: CNN December 12, 2005.] Earlier, Spielberg made huge money and misled the American people with his movie Schindler's List.

SMILE: During an interview with CNN, Zalmay Khalilzad, "ambassador" to Iraq, was asked if there were still chances of the WMDs being found. It was meant to be a funny question, but Khalilzad took it seriously and said: "We're still looking." [CNN December 18]

Truth Teller: Representative Murtha [D-PA] was asked about Bush's position that things were getting better in Iraq as evidenced by the Dec. 15 "elections." Murtha rejoined: After the elections in Vietnam, President Johnson said it was the turning point of the war. It was, but against the U.S. $277 billion is going to be spent in Iraq to no avail.

Israeli Crimes Against Palestinian Existence in November 2005

[Courtesy al-Awda]

Six incidents were registered last month, in which a total of 1,000 Palestinian olive trees were cut down. In one incident, residents of the village of Salaam discovered 200 of their trees chopped down. The village has lost 900 trees since May 2005.

Jamaat al-Muslimeen
P.O. Box 10881
Baltimore, MD 21234

Gloria Steinem Attacks Islam + NY Strike broke Along Racial Line

A brief note: Two weeks ago, Gloria Steinem referred to Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner's lifestyle as "moslem" in her critique of his having 4 girlfriends residing in his Playboy mansion! The response from the Muslim leadership was very weak, as expected. (*)

On Friday, 12/23/2005, the strike was over and many New Yorkers felt that it was all for nothing because the TWU and the MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority) have agreed to take benefits off of the table and are back at square one. The TWU union has stated that another strike may still be in the future.

It comes as no surprise, that the polls revealed how people supported the strike along racial lines. It was revealed that 75% of blacks supported the point that the TWU Union was trying to make compared to just 35% of whites. Thursday night is when the TWU board voted 36 to 5 to end the strike.

Sis' Aisha
New Yor City Jamaat al-Muslimeen

(*) [Ms. Steinem is unaware that FORNICATION is punishable and a major sin in Islam. As for sleeping around, Ms. Steinem's religion, or lack of it, does not place any limit on sexual partners. Hefner is a symbol of American freedom, not of Islamic purity. He would not last a day if his liquor were taken away and he had to pray five times a day. As far as we know, Steinem's group considers pornography part of freedom of expression but will not permit analysis of the "holocaust" story.- Editor}

Books for Children to Help Afghan Orphanages

by Sis. Karen English, Los Angeles

Rukhsana Khan, author of seven children's books, has written two children's books of note for the Muslim community: The Roses in My Carpet (Fitzhenry and Whiteside) and Muslim Child: Understanding Islam Through Stories and Poems (Albert Whitman & Co.).

The Roses in My Carpet portrays the reality of many of our children in Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq (and other places). Rukhsana Khan was so affected by her meeting with one boy and his family, she was inspired to set up a book and charity project for the refugees of Afghanistan. Proceeds from her sales are being donated to two orphanages in Kabul: Tahian Maskan and Alluadin and also to a library being established in one of them. Muslims parents, please purchase this book (it's on Amazon). You will be helping many more Muslim children than just your own child. For these projects Rukhsana works with the Canadian Relief Foundation. This is a favorite organization of hers because 95% of the funds they raise go to the projects they're sponsoring and not towards overhead expenses.

Muslim Child: Understanding Islam through Stories and Poems is a unique collection of stories and poems that "examines the everyday lives and struggles of Muslim children as they learn to follow the path of Islam" (book jacket). It illustrates the pillars and the tenets of Islam in a way that is accessible to children and more importantly non-Muslims. Muslim parents have had few children's books from which to choose that reflect the lives of today's Muslim child living in the west. We have stories depicting historical figures or stories based in fantasy, but too few of our children's books deal with the everyday experiences of contemporary Muslim children living in societies as a minority. More than half of the few books that have been written are authored by non-Muslims. Muslim Child.... is a unique and innovative collection that should be on the book shelf of every Muslim child.

Can this be called Islam or is it "Hislam?"

Mahdi Bray's group "Muslim American Society" [MAS} met in Chicago over Christmas holidays. Bray, Johari Abdul Malik, et al declared on C-Span TV earlier that their group would work as spies for the government. Here is an excerpt from a local report about MAS's latest activity.

"The Muslim American Society is holding its annual convention here in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency. Activities include a summit with the state department and the FBI, which is closed to the media." []

Our Message: Here is how Islam works: First the rejection, then the proper Path to be followed:

"And incline not (even slightly) to those who oppress, or the fire will seize you; and you have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be helped." [The Qur'an 11:113]

"When the messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, sent Ma'az ibn Jabal [r.a.] to Yemen, he (the messenger) asked him: How will you arrive at decisions? He {Ma'az} said: I will decide according to the Book of Allah. He (the messenger) said: If you do not find it in the Book of Allah? He [Ma'az} replied: then according to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. He (the messenger) asked: If you don't find it in the Sunnah of the messenger of Allah? He [Ma'az} said: Then I will try by my best understanding. He [the messenger] said: Praise be to Allah that He helped the one being sent to follow the way the messenger of Allah prefers." [Hadith, Sunan of Abu Dawud, kitab al-aqdiah, and, Jami of Tirmidhi, chapters on al-Ahkam]

Montreal Perspectives
By Jalaluddin S. Hussain

Widespread Corruption in Pakistan Defies Religious Forces+Eid in Pakistan

Pakistan trip - a personal impression

I am not against religion or against Islam but what I saw in Pakistan during my recent visit (from October 29 to November 07, 2005) I can say many of the things were frankly not Islamic. Corruption and hypocrisy is rampant in that society and I feel bad about it. Of course it does not mean that there are no Islamically-minded people. They are there but their good work is being minimized by the bad things happening all over the country. In fact, while talking to people I came to the conclusion that for many people "corruption" is synonymous with "chalta hai" meaning "It's alright". Many justify corruption and unethical practices by saying: "Jalal, if you want to survive there is no other way." Unfortunately this type of rationalisation came from the mouth of some of my very dear friends, who were in fact apparently observant Muslims: meaning they offered prayers five times a day and observed fast during the month of Ramadan, besides observing other rituals!
I must, however, confess I myself am not a good Muslim but somehow expect higher ethical and religious standards from my Pakistani observant Muslim friends. I wonder if it is that bad in Pakistan that you cannot lead an honest life there. I cannot believe this as many whom I met were good Muslims in every sense - they practised what they observed and preached.

Eid in Pakistan - after a long time!

Celebrations of Eid in Pakistan after almost 30 years, was an inspiringly spiritual event. I enjoyed the company of my family members and long-lost friends. I could not recognize many of them because they had grown old like me. I attended the Eid congregation of Maulana Taqi Usmani, held in Karachi's Nazimabad Eidgah. The Maulana also mentioned about the earthquake disaster. He appealed for help.

In all fairness to the Pakistani people, the help from them in cash and kind was overwhelming. International help was also generous. Our own Canadian Disaster Assistance Rapid Team (DART), comprising of 200 highly-trained people, played a Herculean role, for more than 40 days! It was only natural that the Maulana also acknowledged this Canadian help. It is however unfortunate that inspite of the national and international help, the victims of the earthquake are still suffering in great numbers because of the lack of coordination and poor logistics on the part of some government and non-government agencies! Montreal's South Asian communities, including Pakistanis, collected about 7000 Canadian dollars through fund-raising events. This was matched in turn by the Canadian government. I am proud of the active help of Pakistanis and of Montreal's Muslims in providing effective succour to the Pakistani victims.

Are Montreal religious sites also under surveillance?

Are Montreal's religious sites, of Muslim worship, safe from the probe of Canadian Security agencies? I wish and pray that the Canadian version of "Patriot Act", namely Bill C-36 and the draconian provisions of the Security Certificate are not impemented in the same way as they are being done in the States! Let Canada not suffer from the American paranoia of terrorism and let us be wise and mature enough to solve the real problems on the ground first, like Palestine, Chechniya and Kashmir. Once these problems are resolved perhaps terrorism would automatically be effectively reduced.

ISNA's Siraj Wahhaj Helped Put Islamic Leader in Prison for Life

El-Hajj Mauri Saalakhan's Defense of Siraj Wahhaj.
Self-Contradictory and full of Disinformation.

by Nadrat Siddique

The Hajji characterizes "Imam" Siraj Wahhaj's answer as a truthful one. He casts himself as "defender" of Dr. Abdel Rahman. Say Wahhaj's statement to the court--that Dr. Abdel Rahman promoted bank robberies--was pure, unadulterated truth. And the Hajji supports Dr. Abdel Rahman. So...the Hajji is a defender of bank robbery?

Saalakhan purports to know that Wahhaj had no ill intent the day he testified, from talking to the defense attorney and to other Abdel Rahman associates. How does a person discern another's intent by interviewing various others? Intent is something known only to onself and to Allah. One wonders which Abdel Rahman associates informed Saalakhan of Wahhaj's pure intent--perhaps Emad Salem?

On the other hand, "Imam" Wahhaj did not respond to numerous overtures by the Committee to Free Dr. Omar Abdel Rahman, nor to Abdel Rahman associates, in their call for help. Recall that this was prior to the McCarthist "SDT" designation of Dr. Abdel Rahman (and others whom the government sought to entomb in its gulag)--and so there was relatively little risk to Wahhaj. Perhaps I need to be enlightened as to the definition of "imam," and the responsibilities of that role as elucidated by every major commentator of hadith.

WAR NEWS: by our Media Monitor

IRAQ: 120 U.S. Air Strikes in November 2005: Violation of Human Rights and International Law: 80 Civilians killed in One Air Strike [Husaybah]: 18 Children killed in another Air Strike [Ramadi]

New Trend's analysts say that the U.S. is subjecting the Iraqi people to air strikes in their own homes to crush resistance to the occupation of Iraq and to the U.S. installed clique in Baghdad. In November 2005, in preparation for "elections," the U.S. carried out 120 air strikes, liberally dropping 500 pound bombs.

Some idea of the carnage being committed can be obtained even from Zionist publications like the Washington Post which try to sanitize the massacre. [See excerpts below.]

Incredible as it is, NONE of the Muslim governments has spoken out against the bombing. Iran, which is probably the only independent Muslim government left, kept quiet while the bombing went on. Even Hitler did not use 500 pound bombs against civilians in conquered cities.

The Washington Post reported in its December 24, 2005 issue [excerpts]:

The number of airstrikes carried out each month by US aircraft rose almost fivefold this year, from roughly 25 in January to 120 in November, according to a tally provided by the military. Accounts by residents, officials and witnesses in Anbar and the Marines themselves make clear that Iraqi civilians are frequently caught in the attacks.

On Nov. 7, the third day of the offensive, witnesses watched from the roof of a public building in Husaybah as US warplanes struck homes in the town's Kamaliyat neighborhood. After fires ignited by the fighting had died down, witnesses observed residents removing the bodies of what neighbors said was a family - mother, father, 14-year-old girl, 11-year-old boy and 5-year-old boy - from the rubble of one house.

Survivors said insurgents had been firing mortars from yards in the neighborhood just before the airstrikes. Residents pleaded with the guerrillas to leave for fear of drawing attacks on the families, they said, but were told by the fighters that they had no other space from which to attack.

Near the town of Qaimone day last month, a man who identified himself only as Abdul Aziz said a separate US airstrike killed his grown daughter, Aesha. Four armed men were also found in the rubble of her house, he said.

"I don't blame the Americans. I blame Zarqawi and his group, who were using my daughter's house as a shelter," said Abdul Aziz, referring to Abu Musab Zarqawi, leader of the foreign-dominated group al Qaeda in Iraq.

Abdul Aziz spoke beside his daughter's newly dug grave, in a cemetery established for the 80 to 90 civilians who Anbar officials said were killed in the first weeks of the offensive. Several dozen new graves were evident, and residents said more than 40 victims of the fighting were to be buried that day alone. Witnesses saw only 11, all wrapped in blankets for burial. Residents said two of the 11 were women.

Abdul Aziz's grandsons ascribed blame for their mother's death more pointedly. "She was killed in the bombing by the Americans," said Ali, 9, the oldest of three brothers.....

Arkan Isawi, an elder in Husaybah, said he and four other tribal leaders gathered to assess the damage while the operation was still underway and identified at least 80 dead, including women and children. "I personally pulled out a family of three children and parents," he said.

An exact count, however, was impossible, he said. "Anyone who gives you a number is lying, because the city was a mess, and people buried bodies in backyards and parking lots," with other bodies still under rubble, Isawi said....

On Oct. 16, for instance, a US F-15 pilot caught a group of Ramadi-area insurgents planting explosives in a blast crater on a road used by US forces, Denning said. The F-15 dropped a bomb on the group, and analysis of video footage shot by the plane showed only what appeared to be grown men where the bomb struck, Denning said. After the airstrike, he said, roadside bombs in the area "shut down to almost nothing.

"That was a good strike, and we got some people who were killing a lot of people," Denning said.

Capt. Jeffrey S. Pool, a spokesman for the 2nd Marines, said it was not possible that children were killed in that strike unless they were outside the range of the F-15's camera.

Residents, however, said the strike killed civilians as well as insurgents, including 18 children. Afterward, at a traditional communal funeral, black banners bore the names of the dead, and grieving parents gave names, ages and detailed descriptions of the children they said had been killed, witnesses said. The bodies of three children and a woman lay unclaimed outside a hospital after the day's fighting.




Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam

by Dr. Dennis Walker

"Dr. Walker has drawn a portrait of this movement that deserves the attention of scholars. I strongly recommend it to teachers and students studying or writing about Islam and the African American experience."
Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang
Howard University

The presence of Islam in America is as long-standing as the arrival of the first captive Muslims from Africa, making Islam one of America's formative religions. But the long-suppressed indigenous Islam didn't resurface in organized form until the 1930s, when it infused the politico-spiritual drive by the Noble Drew 'Ali and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to address the appalling social conditions of the ghettoized black masses of the North.

Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam would prove to be the most extensive, influential and durable of African-American self-generated organizations. Combining black cooperative entrepreneurship with indigenous Islam-tinged culture and spirituality, the NOI pursued a collectivist nationalist agenda which sought to advance the black masses' cause--within America or without it. At its collectivist height, the NOI achieved a $95 million empire of interlocking black Muslim small businesses and farms--providing a model for "bootstrap self-development" by the marginalized and dispossesed, worldwide.

Bourgeois elements developed within, or engaged by, the NOI sought to weld a united African-American nation out of a range of classes. Outstanding second generation leaders--Warith Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X--would further imbed Islam in Black America, and extend its relations into the international community. Their media offered an informed and critical outlook on both domestic and international affairs that often paralleled progressive analysts.

But it remains ambiguous whether the developing African-American nation will pursue its still-unfulfilled promise through secession, autonomy or long-term integration.

What seems clear, after two monumental NOI-initiated marches in 1995 and 2005 that each time drew hundreds of thousands, if not a million or more, to the nation's capital, is that the NOI and African-American Muslims will have substantial input into the design of that future direction.

Dr. Dennis Walker is a Celtic Australian specialist on Muslim minorities and author of two books on Islam and the national question. He reads five Muslim languages, and is author of numerous scholarly papers, articles and reviews in a number of languages, reflecting his wide travels and areas of interest. He has taught at Melbourne University, Deakin University and Australian National University.


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