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Important Response to Sis. Aisha's note on Bernard Lewis from Br. Hani in Canada. (Please scroll down.}
From Ijaz: FACT ABOUT EXPLOITATION OF WOMEN IN ISRAEL: Prostitution is a $450 million yearly "national industry" in Israel. There are 250 brothels in Tel Aviv alone. Article coming up. [And these Jewish predators of humanity have agents throughout the world spreading the idea that Islam is against women!]
[Atlanta]: PROTEST AT TOP AIPAC MEETING: Sisters Lead from Sis. Motisola Malikha Abdallah, Secretary General of Jamaat al-Muslimeen
Driven, diverse, vocal and unified is the description of the antiwar protest held Sunday, October 6th in Atlanta Georgia to protest war on Iraq, military violence in Palestine and the national summit meeting of AIPAC. In the most upscale, richest neighborhood in Atlanta, a diverse group of activists staged a three hour protest in front of the Swissotel where AIPAC was having its national meeting. AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is functioning as an extension of the Israeli government here in America to influence the media, communities, politics and college campuses. AIPAC used millions of its dollars here in Atlanta and Alabama to oust congressional candidates like Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney earlier this year.

Three hundred and fifty of us peace activists put a damper on AIPAC's meeting outside their window even during the brief downpour of rain. The non-diverse, small group of Israel/US supporters across the street waving American and Israel flags were no match for slogans from the very diverse antiwar peace-activist.

For every slogan of "stop killing our children," "a home for Palestine," "Zionists are terrorists", "Blacks, Whites, Native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Christians, and Jews united for peace," the Jewish detractors quickly lost steam.

A few pro-US/Israel supporters gave us the finger which was returned with the two-finger peace sign which put them to shame. Out of all the testimonies about the evils of US policies, the most heart-wrenching testimony came from a Native American peace activist. He stated that their holocaust never ended and that his people are on the verge of extinction in just a few short years because of America's war and genocide against them. This is why he and many African and African American speakers stated why they supported a home for the Palestine people and no war against Iraq.

The real success of the protest was in itself: Muslim sisters on the front line with children standing next to Muslim brothers for a common good and forbidding the evil. Muslim communities from every race coming together, bonding and interacting as one people like was displayed at this protest is the only way we will defeat the war on Islam.
Have you noticed that CAIR is publicizing the messages of the most vicious Jewish organization in America, the ADL [the Anti-Defamation League of the Bnai Brith]. This time CAIR has publicized an ADL message in which ADL claims that it too is against the attacks on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by Jerry Falwell. This is the height of hypocrisy on the part of ADL to claim that it is not anti-Islam. It is one of the few organizations which shamelessly acclaimed the life imprisonment of the Islamic scholar Dr. Omar 'Abdel Rahman and has been trying to silence all Muslim, Arab and African-American dissent under the rubric of "anti-semitism." Once more CAIR is doing reverse da'wah by projecting the message of the enemies of Islam into the Muslim communities. What greater disinformation can there be than for the ADL to claim that it is not against Islam. [For that matter, even Sharon claims he is not against Islam, just as Bush is not.]
MASSACRE IN PALESTINE: Israeli attack on a crowd of civilians killed 16 and injured 105 civilians in Khan Yunis area of Gaza on Oct. 7. When the injured were taken to hospital, the Jews rocketed the hospital. On Oct. 8, a 12-year old Palestinian girl was shot and killed by the Jews. Observers say, the Zionist Jews have put themselves outside the pale of humanity by occupying Palestine and then by murdering its people. Murder of children by the Jews is almost a daily occurrence in Palestine. Not one of these murdered children is shown on American TV. According to Bush, Sharon is "a man of peace." Sharon will be in the White house again next week.
Under International law, Islamic forces have the right to hit and destroy an occupying force like Israel. Observers say that if Saladin emerges tomorrow to hunt down the Jewish occupiers, all the oppressed people of the world will rejoice over the downfall of these dastardly tyrants.
Why is Hizbullah silent while Jewish tanks stand in Palestinian streets? Is Iran waiting for the destruction of Iraq and Palestine, after Afghanistan, so that it can create a sectarian empire? There has not been a peep out of hizbullah during the Second Intifada.

2002-10-10 Thu 07:14ct