News  #  2054
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17 Rabi Al-Akhbar 1446 AH - October 20 2024 Issue # 16, Newsletter #2054

Scroll down for report on "Conservative 'Christian' Politicians' Brazen Disregard for Life" by Sr. Aisha , "Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth" by Sr. Yasmin

Qur'an Corner with Dr. Kaukab Siddique

A Hadith on Following an Oppressive Ruler

The Messenger of Allah said: "Listen! After me, there will be rulers whoever visits them, believes their lies, and helps them in oppression is not of me, and I am not of them. He will not come to me at the cool (stream) of Paradise. Whoever does not believe them, and helps not in their oppression, he is of me and I am of them."

Source: Hadith Nasai

Commentary by Kaukab Siddique:

The Muslims should realize they cannot be excused for supporting the oppressor. It's quite obvious that large numbers of Muslims don't follow Islam, but claim they are Muslims. The best example of this is how many Muslims are supporting either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.

There is no lesser evil in Islam. Evil is evil. Peace does not mean cooperation with the oppressor. There is no place in Islam for cooperation with the Oppressor.

Many Muslims bring up the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah to justify cooperation with the Oppressor. In that treaty, fighting was stopped for a limited time, so that people who were trapped in Mecca, then under the control of the Idol Worshippers, could save themselves, and openly come over to the Islamic side. So the Muslims were told to temporarily stop fighting. But they were not permitted to cooperate with the Oppressors.

Omar (RA) was very upset about peace with the kuffar. Abu Bakr (RA) told him that peace does not mean you cooperate with Oppressors; it simply means you do not fight with them physically for a limited time, and this provides an opportunity for the trapped Muslims to come over to the Islamic side without being persecuted.

Many Muslims do not realize that peace with the kuffar does not mean cooperation with them. In other words, it's unnecessary to canvas for various candidates, bring them to the mosque, or publicly announce whom you're voting for. Your vote should be for Islam.

Biden has convinced many, including some Muslims, of the notion that peace means those who oppose the US should be wiped out. To vote for his successor, Kamala Harris, or for Trump, means you are voting for the killers of Muslims. This is exactly what Islam does not allow.

Yahya Sinwar, Hero of the Palestinian Resistance , Killed by Israeli Occupiers
By New Trend Staff

On October 16, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was killed by Israeli Occupation troops in Tal as-Sultan, Rafah. The troops involved were Israeli trainee soldiers who encountered him by chance.

Corporate media reports on his killing largely emphasized one fact: that he was the mastermind behind the October 7 attacks. There is no mention of Israeli bombardment of Gaza's densely populated refugee camps, strangulation by Israel's embargo of the Gaza, and other Israeli war crimes which Gazans endured for decades, and which Hamas leaders have cited as the motivation for October 7.

To many Muslims throughout the world, Yahya Sinwar has emerged as a legendary figure. He was born in Khan Yunus Refugee Camp in Gaza in 1962. His family was forcibly displaced from their home in Askhelon in 1948 during the Nakba (catastrophe), when 750,000 Palestinians were forced out of their homes. (Middle East Eye, October 17, 2024).

In the pattern typical of Israeli terror, where Palestinian refugees are forced to flee from one putative place of refuge to another, large swathes of the Khan Yunus Refugee Camp, which he came to call home, have been destroyed by Israel. What remains of the camp is constantly under attack by the Israeli military.

Sinwar became involved in student politics and activism as a student at the Islamic University of Gaza, where he majored in Arab studies. In 1982, he was arrested by Israeli authorities at the age of 20 for anti-occupation activism at the Islamic University. Three years later he was rearrested by the Occupation authorities. While in prison, he met Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Yassin founded Hamas a few years later, and brought Sinwar into the organization's inner circle. (Middle East Eye, October 17, 2024)

Sinwar co-founded Munazzamat al-Jihad w'al Dawa, a Hamas wing which hunted down Palestinian collaborators with Israel. (Middle East Eye, October 17, 2024)

In 1988, Sinwar was arrested for the capture and death of two Israeli soldiers and four Palestinian collaborators. He was sentenced to four life terms, or 426 years in jail. (Middle East Eye, October 17, 2024)

He spent 23 years in Israeli prison. During that time, he learned Hebrew and read Israeli newspapers to learn about Israeli politics and culture, viewing it as important to know the way of the enemy.

In 2011, he was released from Israeli prison as part of a prisoner swap. In the swap, one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas during a 2006 cross border raid, was exchanged for 1,047 Palestinian prisoners.

After Sinwar was released, he rapidly rose through the ranks of the Hamas leadership. When Ismail Haniyeh was killed by Israel in Tehran, Khaled Meshaal, the Hamas leader in Doha was favored to assume Haniyeh's position. However, Meshaal nominated Sinwar to assume the leadership. And Sinwar did just that, fearlessly refusing to leave Gaza, although he likely knew he would be killed.

In Sinwar's last moments, an Israeli drone was sent after him. Injured and resting in a broken armchair, he symbolically threw a stick at it. The manner of his death highlights the imbalance between Israelis and Palestinians: the Israelis have drones, jets, tanks, and other sophisticated machines of war. The Palestinians have sticks, stones, tunnels, and light weapons. They do not have the air force which would somewhat level the playing field between the two parties.

After Sinwar's symbolic stick throwing, the building was shelled by Israeli tanks and missiles, and Sinwar was killed.

In their lust for the blood of Muslim resistance leaders, US politicians with elections on their minds, claimed they had provided the intelligence which allowed for Sinwar's killing. Biden said he had "directed Special Operations personnel and our intelligence professionals to work side-by-side with their Israeli counterparts to help locate and track Sinwar." Israel made similar claims, saying their intelligence services had narrowed down his location, allowing the Israeli military to close in on him. However, the New York Times, citing four unnamed Israeli officials, said they did not know Sinwar was there. And Sinwar had stopped using cell phones and other devices which could allow him to be tracked. It's increasing become clear that the IOF happened upon him by chance.

Even with impending death, Sinwar made no compromise with the Zionists. It was as if he belonged in Heaven, not on this Earth.

World News

Palestine and Lebanon: US-Israeli Oppression and Genocide Continues

October 13 - Israeli troops killed ten unarmed people in a health care center. Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli bombing killed four Palestinians, and burned forty people in a refugee center. Thirty-three Palestinians were killed in Israeli bombing in Jabalia.

Lightly armed Hizbullah fighters hit Israeli bases near occupied Haifa. Israel has killed 2,367 and wounded 11,000 civilians in Lebanon.

Breaking news: With Sinwar's killing, Israel declared the war was over, that they had won, and that Gaza would no longer exist as previously. There would be no pretense of Palestinian self-rule in the Strip, Hamas would be eliminated completely, and Israel would be in control. The Zionists were even distributing sweets on the streets of Tel Aviv, celebrating Sinwar's death. Suddenly the news came that Netanyahu's home and Mossad offices had been hit by the mujahideen. Netanyahu's office scrambled to say that the Prime Minister was not present when the rockets hit. The question arises: Where was he?


The US used B-2 Spirit bombers to hit five underground Houthi weapons storage locations in Sanaa and Saada, Yemen. The B-2 bombers were dispatched from the Whiteman Air Force base in Missouri. Each B-2 is worth some $1 billion dollars, and is rarely used. The Pentagon said the strikes were "precision strikes" meant to deter attacks on commercial and military vessels in the Red Sea. The Bab e-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aiden. In a statement which can only be characterized as cynical, considering the genocide of Palestinian civilians, Air Force Major General Pat Ryder said, "There will continue to be consequences for their [i.e. the Houthis] illegal and reckless attacks which put innocent civilian lives and U.S. and partner force's lives at risk." (DOD website, October 17, 2024)

Thus one of the poorest countries in the world is being hit by one of the richest and most powerful.


On October 14, Canada expelled the top Indian diplomat, along with five other staff. Evidently the Canadian government is concerned about Indian government's involvement in the murder of Hardeep Singh, a prominent Sikh activist in Surrey, a Vancouver suburb. The killer is alleged to be a highly paid Indian agent working for Indian intelligence. In retaliation, India expelled six Canadian diplomats from New Delhi.


Mass protests in support of Palestine were held in the Pakistani port city of Karachi. The streets were completely flooded with people chanting pro-Palestinian slogans. Jamaat I-Islami leader Naeem Ur Rehman addressed. Huge Palestinian flags were hoisted.

See the video here:

(With thanks to TS)


Reuters reported October 17 that Bangladesh's International Criminal Tribunal (ICT) issued a warrant for the arrest of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and 50 other members of the Awami League (Hasina's political party). The charges include enforced disappearances, murder, and mass killings. Seven hundred deaths and numerous injuries, mostly of student protestors and other youth, occurred on Hasina's watch. The court order calls for her arrest and appearance before the court by November 18.

However, Hasina is in India, where she fled on August 5, following mass protests against her administration. She has not been seen in public since fleeing Bangladesh. According to an October 17 BBC report, she was last reported to be at a military airbase near the Indian capital of Delhi. Although Bangladesh and India have a bilateral extradition treaty, it remains to be seen if the Indian government, with which Hasina was closely allied while in power, will cooperate in her extradition to Bangladesh.

The ICT's chief prosecutor, Muhammad Tajul Islam, said Bangladesh would get help from Interpol, if necessary, to secure her return. "Sheikh Hasina was at the helm of those who committed massacres, killings, and crimes against humanity in July to August," he said. (BBC, October 17, 2024)

United States

On October 13, the U.S announced the deployment of 100 American troops, along with the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) to Israel. The THAAD is a sophisticated air defense system, and the newly deployed U.S. troops will be operating it. The stated aim is to counter missile attacks by Iran. However, this proclamation appears disingenuous, considering that the US had already sent a THAAD battery to Israel in 2019 for training—well before any Iranian attack.

The current THAAD deployment is seen as an escalation of the war, with direct involvement by the US. And, it raises the possibility that US troops will be in harm's way—all in defense of an Apartheid state.

Side note: Many Americans are unaware that the US has maintained a permanent military base inside Israel since 2017. It is located near the city of Beersheba in the Negev Desert. Moreover, the US has a secretive facility in the Negev Desert called Site 512, used for radar and missile defense. (The Hill, October 14, 2024)

The bottom line seems to be that the US will defend Israel at any cost—even though Israel clearly had no compunction about attacking, or threatening to attack the US on multiple occasions, including during the USS Liberty attack.

Conservative "Christian" Politicians' Brazen Disregard for Life

By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Another controversial death penalty case has made headlines. On October 17th, Robert Roberson, a father with autism who was convicted in the 2002 death of his two-year-old daughter, Nikki, was scheduled to be executed in Texas. However, just hours before the execution, a judge issued a temporary delay.

Roberson's daughter was reported to have died from Shaken Baby Syndrome, a diagnosis that many medical professionals have criticized and disproved over the past twenty years. Additionally, there has been significant progress in understanding autism, with experts acknowledging that autistic individuals express their emotions differently. Roberson's attorneys believe that his autism played a significant role in his conviction.

In September, a group of Texas politicians held a press conference urging the Texas Parole Board to commute Robert Roberson's death sentence to life imprisonment. However, the Parole Board decided against it. People had been requesting Texas Governor Abbott to get involved.

In Texas, governors do not have the authority to grant clemency in capital murder cases. They can only approve the Texas Parole Board's recommendations. Furthermore, death sentences in Texas can only be commuted to life imprisonment if there is evidence of innocence.

Although the Innocence Project, a legal organization that provides assistance to inmates believed to have been wrongfully convicted, was successful in getting Robert Roberson's execution temporarily delayed, they do not always succeed in their efforts. In September 2024, South Carolina executed Muslim prisoner Khalil Divine Black Sun Allah for a 1997 robbery and murder despite a key witness recanting his testimony.

Another Muslim death row inmate, Marcellus "Khalifah" Williams, was executed by the state of Missouri in the same month despite requests for a new trial due to questionable evidence and inadequate legal representation. In both cases, the governors declined to grant clemency, and the attorney generals challenged efforts to delay the executions.

Some individuals have criticized the actions of certain White Conservative Christian politicians, noting their reputation for xenophobia, obstinacy, and vengefulness. Despite the teachings of forgiveness in Christianity, these politicians have been known for their lack of cooperation with those who differ from them. Plus, many of them are staunch Zionists.

States should not take someone's life on a whim, but that is what has been happening. The Innocence Project is a legal organization that provides legal assistance to inmates believed to have been wrongly convicted.

Even the checks and balances involved with questionable death penalty convictions are weak and flawed. This is why some people proclaim that they would rather set a guilty person free than convict an innocent person because it is just so difficult to overturn wrongful convictions.

(Sources: &

Guidance from Sis. Yasmin

Allahu Nooru As Samawati Wal Ard~{اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَا¨َاتِ وَالْأَر¨ضِ }~{'QUR`AN'}

'Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth'

اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَا¨َاتِ وَالْأَر¨ضِ

The Parable of His Light is as if there were

a Niche and within it a Lamp,

the Lamp enclosed in Glass,

the glass shining like a radiant Star,

lit from a blessed tree

an olive tree neither of the East nor of the West

whose oil would almost give light (of itself)

even though it had not been touched by fire.

Light upon Light

'Allah guides whom He will to His Light.'

'Allah doth set forth Parables for men

and Allah doth know all things.'

{Source~ Qur`an~ Surat An-Nūr (The Light) ~24 A # 35}

In the two (2) Sahihs [Bukhari & Muslim]

it is recorded that Ibn `Abbas, (may Allah be pleased with him) said...


got up to pray at night, he would say...

اللَّهُم¤ّ لَكَ الْحَمْد¥، أَنْتَ قَيِّمُ السَّمَو¤اتِ وَالْأَر¨ضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّž وَلَكَ الْحَمْد¥ أَنْتَ نُورُ السَّمَو¤اتِ وَالْأَر¨ضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ


"O Allah, to You be praise, You are the sustainer

of Heaven and Earth and whoever is in them.

To You be praise, You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth

and whoever is in them."

Ubayy ibn Kab [r.a] said...

'The similitude of His light

takes place in the Muslim's heart.'

[Source~ Ibn Kathir~ # 3:464]

This Light, which HE has placed in the heart,

love, faith and the remembrance of Allah.

It is the light that He has sent down to

His servants,

by which He gives them life,

and by which they walk among people.

its origin is in their hearts,

but then HE strengthens and

increases it until it appears upon their faces,

limbs, bodies, even their clothes and dwellings !

people of this nature perceive it,

while others deny it !

on the Day of Judgement, however,

it will come forth by their faith,

and hasten before them in the darkness

of the Bridge, that they might cross it {!}
They will proceed in proportion to either

its strength or its weakness in their hearts

during their life in the world... {!}

{Subhan Allah}

~Transliteration of the 'Qur`an~

Allahu nooru assamawatiwal-ardi matsalu nurihi kamiskatin feehamisbahun al misbahu fee zujajatinazzujajatu kaannaha kaukabun durriyyunyooqadu min shajaratin mubarakatin zaytoonatin lasharqiyyatin wala gharbiyyatin yakadu zaytuhayudee-o walaw lam tamsas-hu narun noorun AAalanoorin yahdee Allahu linoorihi man yashao wayadribuAllahu

al-amthala linnasi wallahubikulli shay-in AAaleem~


A Little Note

~Imam Al Ghazali (r) has written an amazing book on this Ayah

'The Niche of Lights'

& this small humble effort on my part can not do a speck of justice to such an

Amazing Ayah of the 'Qur`an'

A Little Note:

'It is an amazing historical phenomenon that no Ayah of the Quran

has been commented on more than Ayat An-Nūr (The verse of light).

[Subhan Allah']

اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَا¨َاتِ وَالْأَر¨ضِ

{One of my most favorite Ayahs 'Alhamdullilah'}

2024-10-20 Sun 13:16:37 GMT/UTC/Zulu