News  #  2048
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5 Rabi ul Awal 1446 AH - September 8 2024 Issue # 10, Newsletter #2048

Scroll down for report on "Too Much Corporate Power Equals High Prices" by Sr. Aisha , "Quotes from Mevlana Rumi (R)" by Sr. Yasmin , and a report on activism for Dr. Aafia by Nadrat Siddique

The Ongoing Tragedy of Germany
By Dr. Kaukab Siddique

It comes as a shock to some that Germany is a major supplier of bombs and weapons to Israel. "According to a March 2023 report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Germany accounted for 30 percent of Israel's arms imports in recent years. The only other country which sold more weapons to Israel in 2023 was the United States which provided 69 percent of Israel's arms imports." (Stimson Institute)

I learned through personal experience with the German people that they were being used to serve their own worst enemies.

Many years back, I learned that some American soldiers at a US military base in Germany had embraced Islam and wanted to learn more about it. They invited me to visit and speak about Islam. I was very excited and flew to the vast US military base near Frankfurt. By that point in my life, I had flown to many airports, but what I saw there was unusual. It was a graphic depiction of pornography in the general public area.

As a Muslim friend who had recently embraced Islam drove me to the base, I was in for another surprise. For several miles, German women were standing by their cars, with doors open, clearly an invitation to men's appetites. Efforts were being made to dilute German womanhood.

Through 2018, Germany had paid over $86.8 billion in reparations to "Holocaust victims and their heirs" (US State Department website). The majority of these live in Israel. Additionally, the German government, under the 1952 Luxembourg Accord, paid $1.70 billion over 14 years (1952 - 1966) directly to Israel. These payments in the early days of Israel's theft of Palestine helped the Zionist entity to entrench itself. And general humiliation was wrought on Germany, as if even those born after World War II were responsible for it.

However, some German scholars have rebutted these defeatist attitudes. One of these is Germer Rudolf. I met and interviewed him 2016. You can see that interview here: ntma1682.htm

Afterwards, I continued to correspond with him. He has published scholarly books which analyze and refute the Holocaust story. After the war, the victors made all kinds of accusations against Germany. Once we study what revisionists like Rudolf have written, we realize that most of the stories used to justify the creation of Israel are incomplete and misleading.

Germar Rudolf and others have shown in great detail that the victors of the War publicized these stories through the vast media they control to justify the existence of Israel.

Hardly anyone knows that nearly every major German city was set on fire and destroyed during World War II. Entire German civilian populations were slaughtered by the British and American air fleets. The victors of the War hid their terrible crimes against German civilians. British historian David Irving details some of this in Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden. The book includes graphic photographs of the firebombing of Dresden.

Devastating analysis of the claim that six million Jews were killed in concentration camps has been written by Germar Rudolf. He attended the prestigious Max Planck Institute in Germany, and used science to prove that millions could not possibly have been killed by the Germans. Rudolph and other scholars concluded that at most several thousand died, as is common in total war.

In the later days of the War, the German Air Force was wiped out. As a result, the entire German population was helpless. And the Allies bombed them mercilessly. All of this is eerily similar to what Israel is doing in Palestine today.

The European powers should have given their lands to their Jewish supporters. Instead, they gave them Palestine. The result is the genocide of the Palestinian people. Every day, the Israelis bomb the civilian populations in Palestine. They have killed over 49,000. In the classic Zionist tactic of transference, they then use the major media to blame the Muslims. And no one lifts a finger to help the Palestinians.

The Editor's Corner

"Peace" Negotiations
Forces Behind War Claim to be Mediators

Can you imagine someone purporting to be mediator between two parties, but then putting out an arrest warrant for one of the two parties, but not the other? And arming one of the two parties, but not the other? What kind of mediator is that?

The U.S. has done exactly that in the course of talks between Israel and Hamas, which it, along with various Arab countries, is mediating. On September 3, the U.S. issued arrest warrants for Yahya Sinwar and five other Hamas leaders. Those named included the martyred Ismail Haniyeh. One wonders if the US plans to bring him back from the dead to try him?

Meanwhile, no arrest warrants have been issued by the U.S. for the killers of 49,000+ Palestinians. The latest horrifying statistics from Euro-Med Monitor, a Geneva-based NGO, are that 49,032 Palestinians have been killed by Israel since October 7. Of these 16,164 were children, and 10,399 were women. (The British medical journal Lancet gives a much higher figure.)

The message here is: If you defend yourself against Israel, you're a criminal. And Israel should be allowed to engage in mass murder with impunity.

On August 13, the "Mediator" (the US) approved $20 billion in weapons sales to Israel. This includes F-15 jets and equipment worth nearly $19 billion, along with tank cartridges valued at $774 million, explosive mortar cartridges costing $60 million, and army vehicles priced at $583 million. (Reuters, August 13, 2024) Since there is no peacetime use for these weapons, it is apparent that the US is arming an already bloodthirsty Israel to kill yet more Palestinian civilians. This doesn't only violate International Law, but also the US's own laws.

Breaking: Israel is continuing the bombing of Gaza and the West Bank. Sixty-one civilians have been killed in the last two days. Israel uses force, but no one dares to use force to stop Israel. Arab leaders indulge only in speech making. Most recently, Turkey has joined the speech makers. Aysenur Eygi, a young Turkish-American activist, was protesting in the West Bank. The Israelis shot her in the head, and allowed her to bleed to death. There was no serious response from US.

Saudi Arabia

The U.S. is concerned about Saudi Arabia, because the holy cities of the Muslims are located there. There appears to be censorship of news within the Kingdom. If the Muslims of Arabia become aware of what is happening in Palestine, and their own government's inaction against Israel, there may be an upsurge against the Saudis.


Indian army forces have gone into Manipur (Eastern India) to stop armed clashes between Christians and Hindus. Both sides are using homemade drones and automatic weapons.

Many gullible Muslims across India voted for Modi, after he promised them inclusion in the system. Now they find they are being treated worse than cows, whom Hindus worship.

Exploring Hadith

Punishment for Acts Committed in the Condition of Ignorance

By Kaukab Siddique

Abdullah ibn Masud narrates that he said to the Prophet of Allah (SAW): "Whatever acts we committed in the state of Jahiliya, will we be punished for them?"

The Prophet (SAW) said, "Whoever resolves his problems while he's a Muslim, he will not be punished for all that he did during the era of ignorance. However, if he continues to do the sinful things after becoming Muslim, he will be punished."

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab As-tabiyat-Al-Murtadeen; Sahih Muslim Kitab Al-Iman; Sunan of Ibn Majah Kitab Uz-Zuhad (as quoted in Al-Mujallah by Muhammad Ali ibn Ahmad, known as the imam of Andalus.

"Those who are unbelievers, say to them, if they give up their ways, their sins will be forgiven."

Source: Holy Qur'an, Al-Anfaal, Verse 38

These two quotations show that self-improvement and introspection are strongly encouraged by Islam. The Prophet's (SAW) example must be followed, if one is to transform oneself.

Too Much Corporate Power Equals High Prices

By Sis. 'Aisha
Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

Although the interest rates are lower, inflated prices are still here. Why?

According to Robert Reich, a staunch Democrat and former U.S. Secretary of Labor, a monopoly is the reason for high gas, food, and rental prices.

In a previous article, I wrote about RealPage's alleged rental price fixing. They handle over sixteen million apartments nationwide! It's reported that the corporations working with RealPage have collectively amassed over $300 million dollars in profits so far while spending a third of their earnings, making shareholders wealthy by buying back their shares.

In 2022, the top five oil companies (Chevron, Shell, BP, Exxon, & TotalEnergies) made $200 billion dollars in profits from inflated gas prices. They spent $100 billion on stock buybacks and dividends, which made their shareholders wealthier.

The Federal Trade Commission alleges that a big oil executive colluded with OPEC (an Arab-owned oil conglomerate) to limit OPEC's oil supply, which would increase gas prices. According to capitalism, low supply drives up prices. Allegedly, this backroom deal has been in effect for the last few years. This has cost American vehicle owners an average of $2000 a year.

Meat producers have allegedly colluded to drive up meat prices. Only four companies handle meat processing in America: Cargill, Tyson, Marfrig, and JBS. These companies allegedly use a pricing tool from Agri Stats to share data and set food prices.

Reich says neither government spending, the 2020 lockdown, nor modest wage increases are to blame for these high prices. He blames too much corporate power. Monopolies.

The Justice Department is investigating RealPages's alleged rental price fixing and has launched a "massive lawsuit" against Agri Stats. The Federal Trade Commission is also suing to block the mega-merger of Kroger and Albertsons, two major grocery corporations, which would surely drive up food prices even more. House Democrats are investigating the oil conglomerates for price fixing based on the FTC's report.
Reich is adamant that everyone play a role in monitoring corporations and stopping them from profiting at our detriment.

(Source: YouTube - Robert Reich: "Here's Why Prices Are Still High")

Local Activism

Film and Discussions on Political Prisoner Dr. Aafia Siddiqui held in Texas and US East Coast
By Nadrat Siddique

The Aafia Foundation and other organizations held showings of "Aafia Siddiqui: the True Story," a new documentary made by Muslim sisters in the UK on Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. On August 31, the 30-minute film was shown at "Good Coworking," a public hall in Dallas. The event was held near the 3-day ISNA Convention occurring the same weekend, in the hopes that convention attendees might come out for the oppressed Muslimah.

The ISNA Convention, which included an extensive documentary film festival, showed no interest in airing the documentary. Nor did any of the convention's many sessions focus on her case, despite the fact that she is held under sordid conditions literally 42 miles from the convention location.

On September 2, the film was screened at Valley Ranch Islamic Center (VRIC) in Irving, TX, a suburb of Dallas. Br. Mauri Saalakhan, the director of the Aafia Foundation, who is in close contact with Aafia's family, and sat in on Aafia's trial in New York, spoke powerfully on the case. He was joined on the panel with the VRIC imam Shaikh Omar Suleiman. In September 2021, Suleiman spoke at one of the largest protests at FMC Carswell, the prison where Aafia is held. The VRIC screening was broadly attended by youth and others. Previously, the sister of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui, spoke at the VRIC on Aafia's case.

On September 6, the film was shown after maghrib prayers at Masjid Bilal, a predominantly Black masjid in Richmond, VA.

On September 7, the documentary again aired at the Islamic Association of Raleigh, in Raleigh, NC.

All of the showings including a panel discussion and Q&A, where many myths and misconceptions about Aafia were addressed.

The showings are part of a concerted effort by the Aafia Foundation and local activists in the DFW area to create awareness of the plight of the unjustly imprisoned Pakistani neuroscientist. She continues to suffer daily attacks, including rape, in the Texas prison where she is serving an 86-year term in a Texas prison.

The Aafia Foundation's website is:

Guidance from Sis. Yasmin

'I went inside my heart to see how it was'.

Quotes from Mevlana Rumi (R)

Ponder awhile...Beautiful Quotes from Mevlana 'Rumi'(R)

"I went inside my heart to see how it was.

something there makes me hear the whole world weeping."

-Rumi (R)

"You'll only see me descending into a grave now watch me rise how can there be an end when the sun sets or the moon goes down"?

-Rumi (R).

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of

what you really love. It will not lead you astray."

-Rumi (R)

"It's your Road & yours alone, others may walk it

with you, but no one can walk it for you"

-Rumi (R)

'There is a voice that doesn't use words.... Listen'.

-Rumi (R)

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A Little Note:

On the first page of the Masnavi Mevlana Rumi (R) states,

'This is the book of the Masnavi, and it is the roots of the roots

of the Islamic Religion and it is the Explainer of the Qur'ân.' (Translated)

-Rumi (R)

2024-09-08 Sun 12:41:09 GMT/UTC/Zulu