News  #  2046
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21 Safar 1446 AH - August 25 2024 Issue # 8, Newsletter #2046

Scroll down for report on corruption in the New York Police Department by Sr. Aisha , and an article on hadith by Sr. Yasmin

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Harris Gave Total Support to Israel

In her final speech at the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris expressed blatant support for Israel by way of weapons, security and continuity of support. She condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization and repeated Israeli hate propaganda about October 7. She singled out Iran as opposed to America. To create an appearance of balance, she sympathized with refugees stuck Gaza.

Outside the DNC, thousands protested against Harris' support for Israel. The protestors took down the security fences at various points. Many were arrested for trying to breach the massive police presence. Two weeks prior, Harris's appearance in Detroit also drew large protests. However, Harris and her corporate media mouthpieces ignored those as well as the current protests at the DNC.

Jumu'ah Visit at ISB
By Br. Kaukab Siddique

The Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) is one of the largest mosques in the Baltimore area. The editor, who continues to recover from his health condition, visited the mosque in a wheelchair. Brothers from the masjid kindly assisted him in getting situated and removing his shoes.

ISB is a very modern facility which hosts very large crowds of Muslims every Friday (and at other times). The overall feeling is of a safe place where brothers and sisters are very nice to each other, and where people to learn about Islam. Many different nationalities—Arabs, non-Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Bengalis, Africans from many different parts of Africa—attend the masjid. Women with hijab, women without hijab, and young girls abound at the masjid. Many Muslim youth in kaffiyeh could be seen interacting in the masjid's extensive corridors. Food is served in a professional café setting.

Unfortunately, no controversial issue was touched upon in the khutbah. All of it was about family ties, husband-wife relationships, and bringing together people of different races.

Understanding Islam
Does Islam Oppose Reason?
By Kaukab Siddique

In his scholarly work, The Life of Hafiz Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Qayyim explains that Islam is not against reason. In fact, in the vast body of sharia law, there is nothing which opposes reason.

Ibn Qayyim was an Egyptian writer, who studied under Ibn Taymiyya. In his explanation of the writings of Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Qayyim says that there are examples which show that the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) were not against giving rulings employing reason. He gives the example of Hazrat Ali (RA), who taught that even in the most serious situation, reason should be used, and people should not think that by doing so, they are going against hadith. In other words, explanations of hadith should employ reason. And hadith should not be followed literally or blindly, without context.

Ibn Qayyim gives examples to show that the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) used reason, and did not think that its use is against Islamic law. The fact is that good reasoning goes hand in hand with sharia, and logic and reasoning are not opposed to Islamic law.

In fact, the Prophet (PBUH) and Allah Almighty have not given any example to show that the revelation from Allah is opposed to reason. And there are no examples which would put good reasoning in opposition to the Qur'an and sunnah."

(From: The Life of Hafiz Ibn Qayyim, p. 436)

Website Exposes Corruption in the New York Police Department

By Sis. 'Aisha

Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

The NYPD police union, the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA), is upset because a website known for posting complaints filed against officers plastered the bloodied face of one of its rookie cops on its front page. Officer Mary J. Fay was punched in the face by Ernst Delma after trying to break up a fight between Delma and some children. A male Good Samaritan is pictured holding Officer Fay up.

The website that posted this image is . The only means of contact is an email address: . F stands for the profane f-bomb word, while 12 is street slang for police. This website has posted Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) filings against NYPD officers. The article stated that most officers with CCRB complaints have been cleared of any wrongdoing at the NYPD Trial Room located at One Police Plaza.

The CCRB has no teeth. The only thing this board does is make recommendations, but it is still good to file a report to record complaints.

This type of website is necessary. However, the NYPD is planning to file a complaint against the domain registrar for this website. The site siphons NYPD employment information from government databases that now publish this information.

When people register website domain names, the registrar offers an option to keep the domain owner's identity private. The NYPD is upset that, as public employees whose salaries are paid by the taxpayer, their officers' work activity is now being made public. Just because they are suing doesn't make their argument legitimate, logical, or winnable.

(Source: NY Post via

The War on Islam and the Islamophobia of the Muslims
By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal

The Calamity of a Civilisational War

Imperialism never dies; only changes its narratives, targets, strategies and war fronts. Human history gives full testimony to it. Imperialism survives only on invasion and occupation of the foreign lands; hence it needs war. The imperialists discover their national interest inside every other country of the world. Hence, the US -the most powerful imperialist power from a distant part of the globe displayed much obsession to cross the whole Atlantic or Pacific Ocean to bomb Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and many other countries.

The imperialists' war caused the greatest and worst catastrophe for the whole of mankind. Their wars inflicted more deaths and damages than those caused by all the earthquakes, cyclones, floods and the wild animals. They killed more than 75 million people in only two World Wars. The World Wars stopped; but other wars still continue with more deaths and destruction with more lethal weapons of mass destruction. The French killed 1.5 million only in one war in Algeria and the USA killed about 2 million in Vietnam and about 1 million in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also run proxy wars with their own money and weapons in various parts of the world. Israel runs a war against the Palestinians. Israel—the current colonising power in the Arab land has already killed more than 40 thousand innocent people in the last 10 months and has put more than 10 thousand under the rubble. More than 70 thousand are injured. Israeli brutality still continues. Israel is not alone in its war; in fact, it is working as a proxy of its ideological cousins of the imperialist countries. The western imperialists thus stand as the most wicked forces in human history.

The imperialists' current war has a clear difference from old wars. In two World Wars and other previous wars, the imperialists killed each other. But now, all the killing machines of the imperialists are aimed only against the Muslims. The Europeans were never such united in any previous wars. Russia and the US-led coalition never jointly bombed any Muslim land before -as they did in Syria. To undo any Islamic resurgence in any part of the world, all the imperialists are now united. Hence, after the humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, the Russian bomber jets, tanks, artillery and missiles were seen in the Syrian soil with more ferocity. The US imperialism too, didn't die in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria either. Now the imperialists of all kinds and of all brands have found a common enemy and a common agenda. Their common agenda is to stop the resurgence of Islam as a formidable ideological, political and military power. Hence, the war on Islam and the Muslims has turned truly to a civilizational war -as envisaged by the US Professor Huntington in his book "The Clash of Civilisation."

To read the rest of the article, go to Dr. Kamal's website:

Guidance From Yasmin

Prophet (SAW): A Fine Role Model with Noble Manners and Character (Superb) + (Qur'an)

Prophet [Peace be upon him] said,

"There is NOTHING heavier in the Scales
[On the Day of Judgement] than...?
Good character"!

And the Prophet [peace be upon him] was our role model
and the premier example of a man who displayed
the finest possible character.

ALLAH [Aza Wa Jal] said...
"Verily, in the Messenger of Allah
you have a fine role model."
[Source: 'Qur`an' ~ Surat al-Ahzab 33: A # 21]

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have Mercy on him)
summarized the extent of his noble manners by saying...
The Prophet ﷺ
used to greet the children when he passed
by them. Sometimes, a little girl would take
him by the hand and he would allow her
to lead him wherever she wanted.

Prophet ﷺ
used to lick his fingers after eating...!

Prophet ﷺ would be in
the service of his family when at home.
Never would he become angry because
of something personal.

Prophet ﷺ used to repair his own sandals
and mend his own torn clothes...!

Prophet ﷺ
would milk his goat himself for his own family...
and would feed his own camel...!

Prophet ﷺ used to eat with his servants...
and sit in the company of the poor people.

Prophet ﷺ would personally take care of the needs
of widows and orphans.

The Prophet ﷺ
would be the one to initiate the greeting
when meeting people...!

Prophet ﷺ would respond to the humblest of invitations.
he [peace be upon him] lived a very modest lifestyle,
a man of soft manners, naturally kind, easy to get along with, having a pleasant smile on his face,
gracefully humble, extremely generous but not wasteful, soft-hearted and gentle in his dealings
with each and every Muslim,
lowering the wings of humility to the believers,
bearing their companionship in such
a gentle way...!


A Little Comment...

It is imperative that we as Muslims realize the
completeness of the guidance of the
Messenger of Allah~[peace be upon him]
and know that our true honor and distinction among the nations,
as well as our success in the Hereafter, lies in embracing his guidance,
in all affairs of belief and action...!

['In Shaa Allah'~'Aameen' ]

The Editor's Book Recommend

For those seeking serious end of summer reading, the editor recommends: Lucasville: The Untold Story of a Prison Uprising, by Staughton Lynd (PM Press, Oakland, CA, Copyright 2011). The book gives a detailed study of what happened, and why in Lucasville, OH. In the incident described in the book, the government insisted that prisoners, including Muslims, should consume food containing alcohol. The Muslim prisoners refused. The government insisted. And again, they refused. Then, a fight broke out in which a guard was killed. Siddique Abdullah Hasan, a Muslim leader at the prison, who'd brought together Black and White inmates was accused of the murder.

2024-08-26 Mon 05:16:43 GMT/UTC/Zulu