New Trend Magazine (

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[From Imam Badi Ali.]

Reports from the Middle East indicate that Israeli agents tried to kill Hamas leader Mesaal in Qatar. The attempt failed. It appears that the attempt failed. Also, there are indications that two of the assailants were captured.

The published reports do not indicate the Arab country in which the attack took place. However our sources say it was in Qatar which is a major embarrassment to the U.S. because Qatar is a close ally of the U.S.

Crossing international frontiers to attempt murder of an opponent is a violation of International Law and the rules promulgated by the United Nations.

Previously the U.S. raised serious objections to the Israeli threat against Yasir Arafat. However, in the case of Islamic leaders like Meshaal, the UN seems to be ignoring its own laws.

Is the United Nations concerned about International Law when Islam is under attack or is it only an instrument for the protection of secularist groupings?

2003-10-04 Sat 19:29ct