News  #  2040
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8 Muharram 1446 AH - July 14 2024 Issue # 2, Newsletter #2040

Why are Muslims suffering so much?

by Kaukab Siddique

Let's look at the stance of Muslim nations.


Thousands of citizens are in prison. Hundreds of men and women unarmed were murdered in broad daylight by the military because they were protesting against dictatorship. Mohammad Morsi, the highly educated, duly-elected leader was put in prison and died in prison.

The US government funds General Sisi at a level second only to Israel.

The Egyptian military has become so secularized that Palestinians are dying next door to the Egyptian border, and yet the Egyptian army dares not move against Israel.

In fact the Egyptian army worked with Israel to fight against lslamic fighters on the border.

Let's not forget that the previous Egypt tyrant helped to put the hafiz-e-Quran the blind shaikh in solitary confinement in prison where he died alone. So, Egypt has a history of treachery against Islam, despite its great Muslim martyrs.

Saudi Arabia

Mecca and Medina are both holy cities. And they are earning billions of dollar from "the Hajj industry." The ritualistic throwing of stones at the devil (Rami al-Jamarat) during Hajj clearly symbolizes a rejection of oppression and evil in the Islamic faith. Everything in the Hajj has a deeper meaning and is not to be taken at face value. (See the Hajj, by Ali Shariati). For the average hajji, even traveling to Mecca involves financial and physical sacrifice. How is it that the Saudis have not thrown even one stone at "Israel," let alone do a jihad against Israel?


Palestine's neighbor to the north has carried out more military activities against Iran than against Israel. Other than medical treatment of many Palestinians injured in the Israeli genocide, Jordan has engaged in more rhetoric than action. Jordanians probably don't realize that kingship is not allowed in Islam. And yet, the Jordanian king is Washington's best friend.

Israelis perpetrate massacres of unarmed Palestinians on a near daily basis, under the pretext that they are looking for the hostages. The U.S. is providing 500 lbs bombs to Israel and claiming it is doing a good thing by not giving them 2000 lb bombs.

Perhaps the Israelis consider Palestinians as non-human, as they kill Palestinian women and children indiscriminately.

Bahrain and Qatar

These countries are also friendly with Israel. Although they have vast resources, they do not help Hamas.


Hezbollah has done a pretty good job in driving Israel away from the border, and continuing to counter their attacks.

The Israelis are forcing the Palestinians to move from place to place, so that they do not have resources for schools, waterways, roads, mosques, and other facilities which would assist in a return to normalcy. This is forced relocation which is one of the definitions of genocide according to the Geneva Convention.

Slick LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Efforts

By Aisha

Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York City

The month of June has always been significant to African Americans for its Juneteenth Celebration. The significance of June 19th is that it commemorates the liberation of the last stronghold of African slavery in 1865 Texas by Black Union soldiers. The remaining Confederates and White slave owners actually retreated and spread out to areas such as Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona.

American history tells a story that credits General Gordon Granger, who was White, with having played a more significant role on Juneteenth than he actually did.

But now, June has been declared "(Gay) Pride Month." All NYC churches, except Black and Catholic churches, had Gay Pride flags waving from their flag poles. The Gay Pride Parade took place on June 30th.

The LGBTQIA+ influence has influenced the WNBA. Questioning players, such as Layshia Clarendon and Asia Durr, no longer use female pronouns for themselves. The game announcers must refer to these players as "they" or "them." At her job, my mother told me that if any colleagues refer to a trans worker with the "wrong" pronoun, then the "offending" employee is censured by human resources.

The LGBTQIA+ have become slick by riding the coattails of the Black struggle against racist oppression in America. Now, the word inclusion is no longer associated with the efforts of non-Whites to level the playing field with Whites; it means the LGBTQIA+ agenda exclusively.

But it's important to respond to sinful behavior. Say nothing, and they win. Some churches have even tried to reclaim the rainbow, which, according to Scripture, was originally a covenant between God and His Believers after the Flood. It is a symbol of redemption and God's mercy.

2024-07-15 Mon 02:29:18 GMT/UTC/Zulu