Masoud Khan was released on probation on August 1 2018 by Judge Brinikema .
The probation period is for 3 years.
The Government has filed a Notice to Appeal regarding his release and formal appeal briefs will be filed by both parties .
Masoud's mother asks for continued duas from our brothers and sisters that Allah may protect Masoud from losing his freedom again .
Petition for Commutation of Sentence ( 1st page )
Petition for Commutation of Sentence ( following pages )
I am an American citizen, born in this
country, and will always maintain my
innocence of conspiring and intending to
bring any harm upon the American
I have no doubt that I am innocent of the
charges brought against me and that
surely justice will prevail in good time.
Sentenced to life imprisonment without parole
What crime did he commit?
Masoud, an AMERICAN CITIZEN, was sentenced to life in U.S. prison on 5 March 2004.
The "terrorist conspiracy" case against him is hateful, absurd, and without merit.
Like the imprisonment of Japanese Americans (living on the west coast)
after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the imprisonment of Masoud and many other
innocent Muslims after 9-11 is a crime of bigotry and untempered fear.
Masoud Ahmad Khan holding his son
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